Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

How to Make Tomato Scrub

Scrubs is a method for treating beauty of our bodies. With the scrubs, the dead skin cells will be lifted, so the skin will look smoother and healthier. Lots   sold in the market. But it would be better if we use a body scrub made ​​from natural ingredients. And does not hurt, make yourself at home ingredients.

·         Heat one glass of pure fresh milk. Stir until boiling wait
·         After that set aside some time till cold, then will form a thick layer at the top of the milk
·         Mash 1 small fresh tomato, strain to get water only.
·         Heat over low heat to evaporate slowly, take care not to boil.
·         Stir and wait until the water about half way down, then let stand until cool
·         Mix water with a layer of thick tomato tsb milk was evenly.
·         Add flour and corn flour taste to taste, make the dough resembles
·         Scrubs ready for use.

Fusion protein of milk and sour tomato fruit was able to function as a natural bleaching that will peel kult cells die, thus making the skin brighter and halus.Adonan can be used as a face mask natural spots to scrape the dough is used jerawat.Simpanlah in the refrigerator / freezer, but do not keep it too long for days because the dough does not last long.

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